Hula Performances - Please attend if you can

  • 10/25 - 11/2 - Ia Oe E Ka La, Pleasanton
  • 12/6 - Halau Christmas concert, TBD

Monday, December 3, 2007

lyrics needed

Aloha kakou!

Wahine Molokai .. wahine ilikea??

I'm thinking that that is not the title since I cannot find it on Huapala . . . can someone kokua and send [or bring tonight] the lyrics?

mahalo plenny, Ivy


nina said...

Wâhine `Ilikea
- by Dennis Kamakahi
Pua kalaunu ma ke kai
`O Honouliwai
Wahine `ilikea i ka poli `o Moloka`i
Nô ka heke
Crown flower by the shore
Of Honouliwai
Fair skinned woman in the bosom of Moloka`i
Is the best

Nani wale nô nâ wailele `uka
`O Hina `o Hâhâ `o Mo`oloa
Nâ wai `ekolu i ka uluwehiwehi
`O Kamalô i ka mâlie
Beautiful waterfalls of the upland
Hina, Hâhâ and Mo'oloa
The three waters in the verdant overgrowth
Of Kamalô, in the calm

Nani wale nô ka `âina Hâlawa
Home ho`okipa a ka malihini
`Âina uluwehi i ka noe ahiahi
Ua lawe mai ka makani Ho`olua
Beautiful is the land, Hâlawa
Hospitable home to the visitors
Land verdant, in the evening mist
Brought by the wind of Ho`olua

Source: L. Akana Collection - The white clouds of Moloka`i are described as a woman in this mele. Kamalo is short for Kamalo`oa (the dry place), on the lee side of the island. Legend says there is a lava tube that connects Kamalo Gulch to Pelekunu valley on the north coast that was inhabited by the famous mo`o of Moloka`i. Ho`olua is the northeast wind of Halawa valley. Copyright Naukilo Productions

nina said...

this is included in the halau folder and per uncle's request i am printing more for new haumana. will be printing extras for "old" haumana who need replacements. i should have them to him by this weekend. please approach uncle if you would like a folder... but maybe wait until next week if he looks busy with the Christmas program and kine, yeah :)