Hula Performances - Please attend if you can

  • 10/25 - 11/2 - Ia Oe E Ka La, Pleasanton
  • 12/6 - Halau Christmas concert, TBD

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19 hula update

Yahoo! Uncle has selected a song for us to dance at E Hula Mau. Its a beautiful song named, Ka Lehua I Milia. If you have the Makua CD it is on that. It's also on the Kalika CD.

If you come Wednesday night, Aunty will be teaching the entire song. We learned the 1st verse tonight.

Aloha all... have a safe weekend.



nina said...

yay! can't wait to learn it.

Heather said...

Yay! Thanks Ricki for the info. Auntie wasn't there on Wednesday, and no class on Monday. Ronell mentioned that maybe we'll be able to learn more on Tuesday. See you all then!