Hula Performances - Please attend if you can

  • 10/25 - 11/2 - Ia Oe E Ka La, Pleasanton
  • 12/6 - Halau Christmas concert, TBD

Monday, October 20, 2008

Halau update

Aloha Makua,

Nothing new to report, except to that it would be great if we could figure out how to keep all of us informed of what's going on at the halau, especially as it pertains to the Makua's.

Will a blog work? Are many of you on Facebook? Can that work? What I don't like about Facebook is that everyone (I mean the world) can see what's going on and I'm not certain I like that. Any thoughts?

I also don't think email works either because we can't send photos etc. S

Anyway, I wish you all a great day! I look forward to seeing you at hula tonight.


1 comment:

Heather said...


I actually really like the blog. I think we just need to get back in the habit of checking it again. However, I do have a MySpace account.

One question - I used to be able to post new topics on the blog, but now I can't. :o(

So here's what I would post.

E Hula Mau photos:

Check them out!

Love you!