Hula Performances - Please attend if you can

  • 10/25 - 11/2 - Ia Oe E Ka La, Pleasanton
  • 12/6 - Halau Christmas concert, TBD

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

update from monday night rehearsal...

- get low and swing those hips! let's get back to the basics! we've made the corrections and we know them. like abella says, we just have to dance it over & over & over again with each other so we can learn to dance as one :) i really believe that if we have awesome basics, the judges will be so amazed at the beauty of the dance it will be easier to forget that someone's "45" was off ;)

- turns out lilly has never used a tan or brown on our eyes EVER. she does however suggest that we all get the base white in two - matte and frosty. she & uncle also decided on a lipstick color. (i saw it, looks nice). i will try to get to the halau early to talk with her about prices and orders. i told lilly we would forego the make-up orders this time around cuz we have enough to stress about, but she says she still has time to get them for us for this weekend and she happens to be out of the white eyeshadow base anyway. i'm thinking i'll create an order sheet, and leave it up to each makua about which product they want for their own and which ones they want to leave up to "community" make-up.

- lei: i'm getting every makua her own dental floss spool... green mint flavored and waxed :) this way we can just string the mock mokihana in one looong lei until it's long enough to double up for each of us and we don't have to worry about, "is it long enough? do we have to cut this one and knot it together with that one?" or whatever. i will likely get to the hotel before everyone, so i will meet up with uncle and get the mock mokihana. liz will be providing the needles and possibly thimbles. if you have your own thimble, bring it just in case.

- reminder: rehearsal tonight at 8pm. BRING YOUR DRESS IN A GARMENT BAG AND GIVE TO DESI WITH A BIG HUG & HONI. pay uncle or turn in your raffle tix if you haven't already. we will be going over the ka`i & the ho`i... just doing it over & over & over. remember, the ka`i & the ho`i are our first & last impression on the judges, so we should make it fabulous! ;) finally, don't let me leave without the halau key for thursday's practice.


1 comment:

Liz Thomas said...

Aloha: Just trying to update.

Are we having practice tonite at 8:00?

I can bring needles, I don't have that many thimbles, so you have to bring your own.

See you tonite, thurs, fri, sat . . .