Hula Performances - Please attend if you can

  • 10/25 - 11/2 - Ia Oe E Ka La, Pleasanton
  • 12/6 - Halau Christmas concert, TBD

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Results are in...

... If you can attend hula Wednesday night, 11/7, Aunty and Uncle will share the results from Saturday's performance. If the majority of us are there, they will.

I will stop by, but unfortunately, I will not get there before 7:30 p.m. I hope sooner, but rather doubt it. I totally forgot I had another meeting I need to be at.

See you tomorrow.


1 comment:

nina said...

did they seem excited about the results??? ;) i'll come in tonight... i should be able to catch the end of class before everyone leaves.